
For some, it's Mt. Everest

This will be designed to print on the stairs in public area or the subway station to pursuit having more facilities for the disabled.

The designer, named Jeseok Yi, a.k.a. Jeski, employs a startling analogy to describe his talent and ultimate purpose. “Using a knife as a metaphor, I’ve always focused on sharpening it rather than what to do with it. Some knives kill but some save by a doctor’s hands. I’m always thinking how dangerous professional talent is when used in the wrong way.” And, Jeski confesses, he’s still searching to find the answer to “why I live and what would make my life meaningful.” To this end, his works are aimed more toward aiding the unfortunate. “I thought making poor people happy might have a much bigger impact than making happy people a bit happier,” he says, which is why there are many non-profit organizations on his client list, such as the Red Cross, World Vision, and the Salvation Army.